Sunday School

We offer many different classes for Sunday mornings! Click here to find your group.

Men’s Groups

United Methodist Men info

Women’s Groups

United Methodist Women

Vera Goldman Circle

Mamie Leaphart Circle


Music Groups

Praise Band

Praise Band plays a blend of contemporary songs, hymns, and gospel music on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays.

Traditional Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir

Special music is provided each Sunday during the traditional 11:00 worship service by the chancel choir under the direction of our music director, Dr. Joel Scraper.  New members are always being sought and are graciously welcomed to join the choir.

Choir practice is held every-other-Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:00, and also at 10:45 for a brief period of time on Sunday mornings before service begins.  Special music selections are generally presented by the choir during the Easter and Christmas seasons.  Throughout the year, guest musicians add flavor to the worship service with their excellent vocal and instrumental talents.


Handbell Choir under the direction of Dr. Joel Scraper